How to Design Your Signature Wedding Cocktail

A signature libation or two to raise a glass to your relationship is a wedding trend I don’t see going away anytime soon. Why? Because it’s a fun way to give guests a fresh taste of who you are as a couple, straight up!

Though, if you’re wondering where you should even begin to mix up such a unique cocktail recipe, I’m serving the tips you need to add a splash of personalization to your cocktail hour or reception.

1. Concoct His & Hers Cocktails

First and foremost, lessen the pressure of designing a single signature cocktail as a couple and instead concoct a His and Hers version. Talk about compromising at its finest! Because let’s be honest, you both probably have entirely different tastes when it comes to your drink preferences. If you prefer everything comes full circle, however, you can take it up a notch with an “Ours” drink of choice, too.

2. Remember to Infuse Interests & Nostalgia

Your signature cocktails don't have to be anything fancy, by any means. They simply should represent your tastes, interests, and incorporate a dash of your love story! For example, during your first date, did you sip on a margarita while your spouse enjoyed a whiskey? Serve those two drinks up! Or maybe you want to honor your dog at the celebration. Whatever you choose, just be sure the recipes reflect you.

3. Complement Your Wedding Season & Theme

Now, it’s time to mix in some extra details to keep your wedding season in mind. If you’re getting married in the wintertime, chances are, your friends and family would prefer a spiked hot chocolate over a tropical beverage. Or, if you’re leaning towards rustic vibes, serve drinks up in mason jars! (If you’re having a difficult time with this one, don’t be shy - reach out to your wedding planner or caterer/bartender for some recommendations.)

Also, no matter what your His & Hers cocktails entail, you can tie the two together with a uniform color palette that complements your wedding vibes by using one particular garnish, juice, syrup, or accessory (ex. Stir stick or straw). Notice I said “particular” as your budget and bartender will thank you!

4. Chase It with a Moniker & Pretty Presentation

As if finding the perfect ingredients wasn’t enough, next up on the list is to have fun (and get creative) with the naming process! To do this, again, reflect on your love story. Maybe you bring to life a memorable moment in your relationship or a beloved pet! We all can agree that every classic cocktail has a divine name, and giving yours one will really make it stand out.

Oh, and bonus points if you offer a pretty presentation! Identify unique yet appropriate serveware and glassware, and look to Etsy or a local rental company to craft a beautiful bar sign that shines the spotlight on each of your specialty cocktails.

5. Taste Test!

If you’re planning to put a spin on a classic favorite, consider hosting a cocktail taste testing party with your closest friends and family! It’ll give you peace of mind knowing you’re serving up something that others will enjoy just as much (if not more) as you.  

While these tips are intended to save you some time, I know you’ve got a million other things on your plate because, let’s be honest, planning a wedding can be stressful. The good news is, my friends at FTD shared a flowchart that will help you choose a unique signature cocktail for your special day. Check it out!

wedding cocktail flowchart

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